The REACH Registered Substances List and Pre-registered Substances List can be found on ECHA's website. Companies can check whether their substances have been pre-registered or registered by other companies. By clicking the following link, you can search: List of Pre-registered Substances; Information on Registered Substances;


national level on setting up a chemicals register and on the complementary roles of Chemical products registration in some countries in the European Union .

ECHA believes that making these data downloadable is yet another step forward towards the goals of REACH - both in terms of improving the safe use of chemicals, for example through improved safety data sheets, and, the development and use of alternative methods. Since 1 January 2020, before manufacturing or importing a nanoform of a substance, the operators concerned must submit the required nano-specific information to ECHA in a new or updated registration dossier. Last updated 30 March 2021. Database contains 25831 unique substances and contains information from 97818 dossiers.

Eu registered substances

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View substance registered dossier: Rianlon GmbH : Charlottenstr. 75 40210 Duesseldorf Germany : Germany : Active (1,2-Dioxoethylene)bis(iminoethylene) bis(3-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)propionate) 274-572-7 : 70331-94-1 : 2018 : View substance registered dossier: SI Group DEAB (Imp) Teplitzer Strasse 84478 Waldkraiburg Germany : Germany : Active 2020-08-14 · As a manufacturer or importer registering such substances, you must show the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) how they can be used safely and use a safety data sheet to inform potential users in the supply chain of any risk management measures they may need to take. If your business is a downstream user, you have different obligations to meet. All approved active substances are listed in Implementing Regulation (EU) No 540/2011 and included in the EU Pesticides Database. A Review or Renewal Report is also prepared for each active substance during the decision-making process, providing details of the evaluation process and outcome. These reports are also available in the database.

ECHA subsequently has the obligation to make certain of this information publicly available. This information can be consulted through the registered chemicals database available at: Here you can find a variety of information on registered substances: for example their… Before an active substance can be used within a plant protection product in the EU, it must be approved by the European Commission.

New Chemical Substance Notification in EU - REACH Inquiry REACH regulation has replaced the old framework(67/548/EEC) of notification of new substances (NONS) in the EU. A notifier can claim their REACH registration number from the Agency (via the REACH IT system) for free for substances that have been notified.

These reports are also available in the database. The REACH Registered Substances List and Pre-registered Substances List can be found on ECHA's website.

Eu registered substances

During the six month period from 1 June to 1 December 2008, 143,000 substances were pre-registered by 65,000 companies. The pre-registrations cover all the EU “existing substances” (EINECS) and the list of notified new substances (ELINCS).

After REACH came into force, there will be mainly three chemical lists in Europe. There are available from ECHA's website. List of Pre-registered Substances; List of Registered Substances; List of Candidate Se hela listan på 2020-11-03 · The list of EU MDR regulated substances can be found in Chapter II Section 10.4 of Annex I of EU MDR. This section of the text outlines three component lists: (1) Substances which are “…carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction (‘CMR’), of category 1A or 1B, in accordance with Part 3 of Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council.” This database contains classification and labelling information on notified and registered substances received from manufacturers and importers. It also includes the list of harmonised classifications (Tables 3.1 and 3.2 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation) and the names of harmonised substances translated into all EU languages. REACH requires the registration of all chemical substances that are manufactured or imported into the EU in quantities of 1 tonne or more per year. Key points Most companies use chemicals, sometimes even without realising it, therefore you need to check your obligations if you handle any chemicals, for example paints, glues or cleaning products, in your industrial or professional activity. Regulation EU 540/2011 - approved substances [Updated 03/09/2014] Regulation EU 546/2011 - uniform principles for evaluation and authorisation of PPPs.

Eu registered substances

ECHA believes that making these data downloadable is yet another step forward towards the goals of REACH - both in terms of improving the safe use of chemicals, for example through improved safety data sheets, and, the development and use of alternative methods. Since 1 January 2020, before manufacturing or importing a nanoform of a substance, the operators concerned must submit the required nano-specific information to ECHA in a new or updated registration dossier. Last updated 30 March 2021. Database contains 25831 unique substances and contains information from 97818 dossiers. Registered substances As substances are registered under REACH, there is an obligation on registrants to provide information on the substances they manufacture or import. ECHA subsequently has the obligation to make certain of this information publicly available.
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Eu registered substances

On the report, you can find registration number, registered tonnage band and registrant's name. How to Search A REACH Registration Number. Click the picture below and input CAS no. or substance name, you can find all REACH registration numbers assigned and registrants' names. Related Regulations.

PRS List in CSV, part 1/4 (3.5MB), EC Numbers from 200-001-8 to 249-999-7 Non-registered substances must not be marketed or used. REACH applies to you if your business is: a manufacturer - you make chemicals for sale by your company or for supply to others.
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View substance registered dossier: Croda EU B.V. (OR8) Buurtje 1 2802 BE Gouda Netherlands :

The mapping visualises the work ECHA and the Member States have done over the last 10 years,” Ms Tissier explains. “The aim is to clarify which substances need more hazard data or further risk management measures. Registered substances mapped for regulatory action As chemical substances are registered under REACH, there is an obligation on registrants to provide information on the substances they manufacture or import.

Substances listed in EINECS/ELINCS/NLP are deemed as phase-in or existing substances in Europe and they can enjoy extened registration deadlines until 2018 if they were pre-registered under the EU REACH regulation. Substances that are not listed on the three lists shall be registered immediately before they can be be manufactured or imported

You can also call the ECHA Switchboard: +358 9 6861 80. Please follow our Twitter account @EU_ECHA for updates.

This is done by the four processes of REACH, namely the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals. During the six month period from 1 June to 1 December 2008, 143,000 substances were pre-registered by 65,000 companies. The pre-registrations cover all the EU “existing substances” (EINECS) and the list of notified new substances (ELINCS).